Molecular Cloning Sambrook Pdf Download Free

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Molecular cloning : a laboratory manual

Publisher: Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, ©2012.
Edition/Format:  Print book : English : 4th edView all editions and formats

Molecular Cloning has served as the foundation of technical expertise in labs worldwide for 30 years. No other manual has been so popular, or so influential. ... The theoretical and historical underpinnings of techniques are prominent features of the presentation throughout, information that does much to help trouble-shoot experimental problems. For the fourth edition of this classic work, the content has been entirely recast to include nucleic-acid based methods selected as the most widely used and valuable in molecular and cellular biology laboratories. Core chapters from the third edition have been revised to feature current strategies and approaches to the preparation and cloning of nucleic acids, gene transfer, and expression analysis. They are augmented by 12 new chapters which show how DNA, RNA, and proteins should be prepared, evaluated, and manipulated, and how data generation and analysis can be handled. The new content includes methods for studying interactions between cellular components, such as microarrays, next-generation sequencing technologies, RNA interference, and epigenetic analysis using DNA methylation techniques and chromatin immunoprecipitation. To make sense of the wealth of data produced by these techniques, a bioinformatics chapter describes the use of analytical tools for comparing sequences of genes and proteins and identifying common expression patterns among sets of genes. Building on thirty years of trust, reliability, and authority, the fourth edition of Molecular Cloning is the new gold standard--the one indispensable molecular biology laboratory manual and reference source. --Publisher description. Read more...


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Genre/Form: Laboratory Manual
Laboratory manuals
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Michael R Green; Joseph Sambrook

ISBN: 9781936113415 1936113414 9781936113422 1936113422
OCLC Number: 774021237
Notes: Revised edition of: Molecular cloning : a laboratory manual / Joseph Sambrook, David W. Russell. 2001.
Description: 3 volumes (xxxiii, 1890, 46 pages) : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm
Contents: v. 1: --
Part 1 : Essentials. Isolation and quantification of DNA ; Analysis of DNA ; Cloning and transformation with plasmid vectors ; Gateway recombinational cloning ; Working with bacterial artificial chromosomes and other high-capacity vectors ; Extraction, purification, and analysis of RNA from eukaryotic cells ; Polymerase chain reaction ; Bioinformatics. v. 2: --
Part 2 : Analysis and manipulation of DNA and RNA. Quantification of DNA and RNA by real-time polymerase chain reactions ; Nucleic acid platform technologies ; DNA sequencing ; Analysis of labeled DNA, RNA, and oligonucleotide probes ; Methods for vitro mutagenesis --
Part 3 : Introducing genes into cells. Introducing genes into cultured mammalian cells ; Introducing genes into mammalian cells : viral vectors. v. 3: --
Part 4 : Gene expression. Analysis of gene regulation using reporter systems ; RNA interference and small RNA analysis ; Expressing cloned genes for protein production, purification, and analysis --
Part 5 : Interaction analysis. Cross-linking technologies for analysis of chromatin structure and function ; Mapping of in vivo RNA-binding sites by UV-cross-linking immunoprecipitation (CLIP) --
Appendices. Reagents and buffers ; Commonly used techniques ; Detection systems ; General safety and hazardous material.
Responsibility: Michael R. Green, Joseph Sambrook.


Molecular Cloning has served as the foundation of technical expertise in labs worldwide for 30 years. No other manual has been so popular, or so influential. ... The theoretical and historical underpinnings of techniques are prominent features of the presentation throughout, information that does much to help trouble-shoot experimental problems. For the fourth edition of this classic work, the content has been entirely recast to include nucleic-acid based methods selected as the most widely used and valuable in molecular and cellular biology laboratories. Core chapters from the third edition have been revised to feature current strategies and approaches to the preparation and cloning of nucleic acids, gene transfer, and expression analysis. They are augmented by 12 new chapters which show how DNA, RNA, and proteins should be prepared, evaluated, and manipulated, and how data generation and analysis can be handled. The new content includes methods for studying interactions between cellular components, such as microarrays, next-generation sequencing technologies, RNA interference, and epigenetic analysis using DNA methylation techniques and chromatin immunoprecipitation. To make sense of the wealth of data produced by these techniques, a bioinformatics chapter describes the use of analytical tools for comparing sequences of genes and proteins and identifying common expression patterns among sets of genes. Building on thirty years of trust, reliability, and authority, the fourth edition of Molecular Cloning is the new gold standard--the one indispensable molecular biology laboratory manual and reference source. --Publisher description.


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